How to make a career in Web Development for beginners


How to make a career in Web Development
Photo by Patrick Amoy on Unsplash

Are you a college student or you are a fresh graduate and want to make a career in Web Development, but confused about what to study how to study and from where to study, then read this till the end I am going to clear your all doubts, hello friends I am Aniruddh let's start.

Web Development Courses

First of all I would request, don't buy any course for learning Web Development, I don't mean courses are not good, courses are good but if you are a beginner and you are just starting from scratch, then you should not buy any course regarding web development, people generally search on google, and they buy courses for learning HTML CSS and JavaScript, don't buy courses it is very easy very simple, there are also many free contents are available on the net like w3schools and so on, that are enough for any beginner, I also share Web Development Projects with source code and Tech Articles, you can also check out that.

What to study in Web Development

So before considering how to study web development I would like to cover what to study in Web Development, then it also depends on you, if you are learning Web Development casually or you want to pursue your career in Web Development, then you need to know HTML CSS and JavaScript very well. I want to repeat JavaScript, because I have seen a problem with new developers that they start learning Web Development with frameworks, again I don't mean frameworks are not good, frameworks are very good and powerful and as a Web Developer we generally spend our most time with frameworks but, as a beginner you should learn core concepts of JavaScript, and don't forget JavaScript is mother of all Web frameworks, Frameworks will come and go but if you know basics and core concepts of JavaScript, then you can go with any framework.

How to study Web Development

The other part is from where to start then some people like reading documentation and blog, some people like reading books and some like watching YouTube videos, and it totally depends on you what you like to start with and what suits you, I would suggest, you should take a topic and study about it from various resources, so that you would have a better understanding and you will look a topic from different angles, that will really help you in understanding core concepts and solving problems, if you will ask my opinion then I would recommend reading documentation and Blogs are very helpful, I know documentation is very boring but if you make a habit of reading documentation then it will help you a lot in your real-world scenario.

Web Development Projects

Apart from that I also create Web Development projects to execute my understanding and learning, that's helping me a lot and being a self-Lerner is a great thing for Web Development, actually we all Web Developers are self-learners there is a huge community of JavaScript, I think JavaScript community is the largest community after Python and if you stuck somewhere just google it and you will definitely find an answer, you can also contact me or comment below I would be very happy to help you, now if you have found this helpful don't forget to subscribe to this blog, if you have any other doubts or questions then comment below, Thanks for reading.